
Sunday, August 8, 2010


The trip to USC was great. It was Pretty fun. Specially the way over their. It was fun because on the way over to USC we were singing all types of music. We were all having a good time and laughing. When we arrived to USC I thought it was the most beautiful school I have ever been to. It was so beautiful all those brick buildings. We walked around to see the whole campus. One of the building that I really liked was the fist building that USC started with. It was this white 2 story building made out of wood. In that building they would have their classes, that’s were use to sleep and eat in just that one building. It is hard to imagine that 60 students lived under that single roof. We also went inside one of the library, everything was so organized. We passed through this little garden that I loved. What I loved about it was that their was squirrel. They were claming up the trees and playing on the grass. Something that I notice was that some of the classes were small. I had a great time at USC and hopefully I get the privilege that one day I get to attend to this school.

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