
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

English 20

It has been a pleasure having this class. It was like a family to me... I have never had a class that was like a family... We all had the chance to share our most deepest feelings that we would not dare tell others... I just wish we could all stay as one class....But I know that can not be because we all have different majors..... I just want to wish all my classmates the best.... And i hope all your goals are acomplished......

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This past Saturday I had the chance to go a ranch with my class meats. This ranch was up in the valley it was kind of far. But after we got to the ranch we all went to eat breakfast to Diana’s. I ate a burrito it was good. When we arrived to the ranch we got greeted by the owner. He was telling us a little bit about himself he told us he was adopted by this family that own that same ranch he owned now. After his parents past away he inherited the ranch and kept working on it. He was emotional when he was telling us is story. We walked up this hill to get to were the animals were at. We saw horses, dogs, and this garden. We were in divide in 3 different group. The first group to go to the garden and I was part of that garden. They had onions for us to pick up “If we liked”. They had peach trees. They also had chickens. After we saw the garden we went to see the horses, they were beautiful. We also saw donkeys and ponies we were able to feed them and groom them. The last place we visited was the dogs those dogs before they got to the ranch they were used to breeding. For the finally this guy made a show for us with one of the horses. He got in top of the horse and made it do tricks like go in circles, dance and made it lay down in the grown so he could get off. He also did the same thing with the pony but the only difference was that he did not get in top because he was to big to ride on it.


The trip to USC was great. It was Pretty fun. Specially the way over their. It was fun because on the way over to USC we were singing all types of music. We were all having a good time and laughing. When we arrived to USC I thought it was the most beautiful school I have ever been to. It was so beautiful all those brick buildings. We walked around to see the whole campus. One of the building that I really liked was the fist building that USC started with. It was this white 2 story building made out of wood. In that building they would have their classes, that’s were use to sleep and eat in just that one building. It is hard to imagine that 60 students lived under that single roof. We also went inside one of the library, everything was so organized. We passed through this little garden that I loved. What I loved about it was that their was squirrel. They were claming up the trees and playing on the grass. Something that I notice was that some of the classes were small. I had a great time at USC and hopefully I get the privilege that one day I get to attend to this school.

Guest Speakers

If I would of seen one of this girls, that talked about their life’s walking down the street. I would think they were happy and that nothing was wrong with them. I would of never of thought they had this dark past. Were they could not trust anyone with their feelings.
Janelle- Has a mother that like most mothers. We have the trust to talk to them and tell them our feelings, then latter on they use against us to make us feel bad. What happened their we loose trust on them and we just tell them what they ant to hear and we do not tell them our real feelings.
Carmen Callega- Your one of the persons that took my heart with you. Oh man I don’t even have the words to explain what I want to say. You are really wonderful because you did not let anything put you down. What I loved about you was that you are a fighter that never gives up and always finds a way out. I’m sure that your children are proud of you and you’re a wonderful example to the world. We could do anything if we just fight for what we want.
Audrey Valdivia- It Sims that you have a lot of anger towards your father but yet you still love him. Your just angry at him for not been a father figure. What I think is that you and your father need to spend some time with each other alone. Talk about how you guys feel towards each other. You really made me laugh, you have a great character.
Tess Elizondo- I do not know what I would of done if I was in your place. I cant even imagine scraping that Hindu tattoo. You just didn’t have mental damage but physical as well. You said you have brothers still living with your step father you should keep on contact with them, so you could we sure that they are okay. If you see that they are getting abuse, get them help.
Samantha Shepherd- I have never had a boyfriend that did drugs and I do not how your really feeling. But I’m really proud of you for leaving him because you realized you didn’t want to live with that time of person.
Ray Jovellanos- Well im happy for you that you got out of the ghetto were they called you “chino cochino”. Thank you for telling us your life story growing up in the ghetto side of Los Angeles.
Priscilla Daza- You got made fun of because you look white, Who cares what people say, we cant pay attention to those kind of stuff cause them we would all be miserable. Good luck with your acts, hope you make it big one day.
Heidi Martinez- We all have trust from our love ones, but ones we loose that trust its hard to get it back. I know what your going through my parents didn’t trust me but little by little I got their trust back. You have to be passion and do the right thing, don’t do it for them but for yourself. If you do not do it for yourself your just lying to yourself and harming yourself.
Angela Thuy Nguyen- I would of never let other take over my life. Tell me what to do in life. I understand you want to my your mother happy and she is the only family you have. I just hope your happy with the career you have chosen.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cancer Journal

There's a lot of women that have breast cancer and do not even know it. I believe every women should go to their doctor's at least once a year to check for any tumors in the breast. I think Audre Lorde is a brave woman because she had breast cancer. She had a difficult time just thinking of he scars that she would get from the mastectomy. Being scarred from your breast is very dificult because we are not used to seeing one of our breast gone. She decided to get that surgery, and fortunely it was succesful.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Diane Treister

I learned a lot of things from and about Diane. I’m thankful that she came to talk to us because she made me see what was going on around me. There were a lot of interesting subjects she touched that made me think differently. Like there is a lot of stereotypes such as Asian people do not know how to drive or that all Mexicans are immigrants. This type of stereotypes affect us because that that’s what people think about us. We get judged by our appearances. We start getting discriminated by others. Sometimes Mexicans, Blacks, Asians or other types of races do not get a job just because of their skin color or religion. Those people that discriminate others are close-minded because there are a lot of things we learn from others. It is good to learn about other cultures so we could see their beauty. Diane also told us to speak up for our right and she is totally right. If we don’t speak up for what we believe, then who will. We can not expect others to speak for us or solve our problems. Most of the time we don’t speak up and we get stepped all over. Its like if we are invisible, never taken for granted they would treat us like a piece of dirty rag. So if we want something done of what we are against we have to learn to speak up. We all have a choice, if we chose to do the right thing or bad, it could be something that could change our life for good or bad. She also told us to work hard for the things we wanted, such as education, job positions, money ect. Education is one of the best thing we could ever have because with that we could get any job position and with that comes the money. Sure staying in school is hard but in the long run it is worth it. If we look for the easy way out it is not always going to work out. Many kids join gangs looking for a better life by getting easy money like stealing or selling drugs ect. Most of those kids turn to gangs because they think it is the best way to go and get what they want. I was surprised when Diane said she was Jewish. She did not look Jewish I thought she was white I guessed wrong. Diane does a lot of wonderful stuff she has been a volunteer for 15 years at the museum of tolerance. Diane has 1 son, 1 daughter and she has a twin sister. She also has a brother that has one of the biggest art collection in the world. During the holocaust Diane and her family were here in the U.S. The first 20 years of her life her dad used to tell her she was stupid because she wanted to got to college. She proved her daddy wrong and went to college. One of the things I liked about Diane is that she listens to lady gaga and bakes cookies for Mr. Hsiao.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


This story Bliss is about a women named Bertha that had a wonderful life with her husband,child, and friends. Bertha never had to worrie about money. One day she had a party and she invited friends over that day. That day of the party she finds out that her husband was cheating on her with her bestfriend. I can not relate to this story because i have never been though what Bertha. But i think its realy mest up that her husband did that to her when she loved him.