
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Diane Treister

I learned a lot of things from and about Diane. I’m thankful that she came to talk to us because she made me see what was going on around me. There were a lot of interesting subjects she touched that made me think differently. Like there is a lot of stereotypes such as Asian people do not know how to drive or that all Mexicans are immigrants. This type of stereotypes affect us because that that’s what people think about us. We get judged by our appearances. We start getting discriminated by others. Sometimes Mexicans, Blacks, Asians or other types of races do not get a job just because of their skin color or religion. Those people that discriminate others are close-minded because there are a lot of things we learn from others. It is good to learn about other cultures so we could see their beauty. Diane also told us to speak up for our right and she is totally right. If we don’t speak up for what we believe, then who will. We can not expect others to speak for us or solve our problems. Most of the time we don’t speak up and we get stepped all over. Its like if we are invisible, never taken for granted they would treat us like a piece of dirty rag. So if we want something done of what we are against we have to learn to speak up. We all have a choice, if we chose to do the right thing or bad, it could be something that could change our life for good or bad. She also told us to work hard for the things we wanted, such as education, job positions, money ect. Education is one of the best thing we could ever have because with that we could get any job position and with that comes the money. Sure staying in school is hard but in the long run it is worth it. If we look for the easy way out it is not always going to work out. Many kids join gangs looking for a better life by getting easy money like stealing or selling drugs ect. Most of those kids turn to gangs because they think it is the best way to go and get what they want. I was surprised when Diane said she was Jewish. She did not look Jewish I thought she was white I guessed wrong. Diane does a lot of wonderful stuff she has been a volunteer for 15 years at the museum of tolerance. Diane has 1 son, 1 daughter and she has a twin sister. She also has a brother that has one of the biggest art collection in the world. During the holocaust Diane and her family were here in the U.S. The first 20 years of her life her dad used to tell her she was stupid because she wanted to got to college. She proved her daddy wrong and went to college. One of the things I liked about Diane is that she listens to lady gaga and bakes cookies for Mr. Hsiao.

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