
Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Allegory Of The Cave

Well what I have to say about the story is that I could relate to those prisiners. I also think that who ever is reading this could also relate to this story and the prisiners. The resson I say this, is because when we were all children we did what our parents told us to do. Our parents were like the (Puppets) like in the story. Always showing us how we sould act and say. As we grow up we go out to the real world and we learn different things. Different ways to do stuff, different from what we were though. When its time to go back Home (The Cave) we find it difficult going back to our old ways of doing stuff. Its like if we are starting all over. Those prisiner were brain washed like some children out their. When they go out, and see whats realy out their then they realize what they had been missing.

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