
Sunday, July 25, 2010


This story Bliss is about a women named Bertha that had a wonderful life with her husband,child, and friends. Bertha never had to worrie about money. One day she had a party and she invited friends over that day. That day of the party she finds out that her husband was cheating on her with her bestfriend. I can not relate to this story because i have never been though what Bertha. But i think its realy mest up that her husband did that to her when she loved him.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Getty

In my personal opinion I thought that the Getty museum had the most interesting art pieces that i have seen....... One of the things i really enjoyed was the garden... It was so beautiful and very artistic ......

The Storm

Father and son are at the store when suddenly a heavy storm aproaches.... To avoid the storm they patietly wait for the storm to pass.... Meanwhile the housewive is at home sowing and not noticing the storm.... When she finds out about the storm she closes the windows and the door..... She sees Alcee- a family friend......he asks for hospitality during the storm....While the father and son are in the store the housewive and Alcee are having an affair.... The storm comes to an end.... and Alcee leaves ..... Then the father and son come home for supper....... "So the storm passed and every one was happy".

The Story of an Hour

I think it would of been hard for Mrs. Mallard when her sister told her her husband had died .... but i think it would be even harder to think your husband is dead but in reality he is not....... I believe Mrs. Mallard was shocked that her husband was dead but she was even more shocked when she found out he was not..... she even got a heart attack when she saw him and died.......

Monday, July 19, 2010


This story was about 2 girls that were left behind by their mothers... in a shelter...... they felt like they didnt fit in St. Banaventure's Youth because there parents were the only ones that were alive.... The rest of the kids that were in this shelter didnt have parents they all had die and were in heven..... They call them salt and pepper because one of them was balck and the other one was white...... They became close friends but like any friendship theirs good and bad times..... and even if we fall apart at the end if it a good friendship we put the pieces back together.....

How to Tame a Wild Tongue

I think we all have the right to speak how ever we want. The first language I learn was spanish and then later on I learnd how to speak, write, and read in english. I wouldnt like someone in school to give me an extra class just so they could try to get ride of my spanish acent when ever i talk in english. Theres alot of languages in this world but the one i realy like to speak is spanglish. Spanglish for me is i say some of the world in spanish and the others in english... But i know not everyone talks the way i do.... and when ever i try to speak only english some of the spanish words come out and sometime it could be embarrassing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I think this story "Moths" was very sad. It was touching. I have never had a realy close family member die. I think it was very nice of the girl to help her grandmother out when she was alive and after she past away. One of the things I cold relate to her is when she felt lonely. She felt lonely because she was different from her other sister. I felt lonely cause I was never close to any of my sister. I was like the black bee of the family

Monday, July 12, 2010

Baba and Daddy Gus

I realy liked this story cause I showed me that a women can take the place of a men. Bada was a hard working women that did everything around the house. She didnt like going to church she though it was a waste of time. She never showed effection but Daddy Gus he was the opposite of Baba. He was kind, friendly and always willing to give love. They were so opposite from each other, but they still need'd each other. I cant relate to this story but I could imagine what it would of been like living with them. I wouldnt like it bacause everyone would have driffrent ideas and did what ever they wanted. One of the things I like doing is, doing things as a family. As you guys could see they dont do anything together.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Allegory Of The Cave

Well what I have to say about the story is that I could relate to those prisiners. I also think that who ever is reading this could also relate to this story and the prisiners. The resson I say this, is because when we were all children we did what our parents told us to do. Our parents were like the (Puppets) like in the story. Always showing us how we sould act and say. As we grow up we go out to the real world and we learn different things. Different ways to do stuff, different from what we were though. When its time to go back Home (The Cave) we find it difficult going back to our old ways of doing stuff. Its like if we are starting all over. Those prisiner were brain washed like some children out their. When they go out, and see whats realy out their then they realize what they had been missing.

Cathedral by Raymond Caver

I realy liked reading this story... Well what i have to say, is that its realy easy to judge someone without knowing them.... But after we get to know them we realize we were wrong....I think it was wrong, of Bub Judging Robert without knowing him just for beeing a blind men....After all Bub and Robert got to know meet each other.....Bub realize that he was wrong about Robert.... I think Robert showed Bub an important thing about life.....You dont always need your eyes to see the beuty of this world.... One of my favorite parts was when Robrts wife was sleeping on th sofa and her robe opends up, and Robert is right next to her...but he cant see her cause he was blind....hahaha